måndag 17 maj 2010

we have rebooted ..

today we had a big day. we started with meeting Sandro, and we came to an agreement. Noone is happy, but we have closure now and can move on.

Then we filled up one small truck with debris from the house, and it was full, the pic is the second one we filled in the afternoon and it is only half full.

At lunchtime we spoke again with one of our potentially new professional helpers and we came to an agreement we hopefully can sign on wednesday. Then we filled up another half truck and called it a day. Tomorrow we have another half truck worth of debris to be carried from the cellar. No need for a gym neither today or tomorrow, that quota is well filled.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous and we long to move to the little apartment opposite of our house with the evening sun on the balcony. There is just a little water valve in the bathroom to be fixed.. by the son of the owners. He apparently is a plumber and had promised to fix it for a long time but downprioritized because noone lived there, so hopefully it will happen soon. Lets just not get trapped in another 'tomorrow' story.

All in all it feels like we are restarting.

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