torsdag 27 maj 2010

moonlight serenades

we have been living in casario for a good week now, and by now all the cats in the village know that our two beauties have arrived. we have not let them out free without attendance yet, but still go walks with them so they can get used to the 'hood'. no cats around while we do that but at night in the morning around 4/5 we have cat concert under our balcony. cat serenade. not sure whether the sound they are making are inviting.. like 'come down and play'. or whether they are threatening .. 'wait until we get at you, then we will show you'. time will tell. maybe a little romance here and there?

cat concerts was not the only thing keeping us awake at night, the bed that came with this rental might have also played a role. But today we got the new bed and mattress so heavenly sleep is awaiting us tonight, we believe.

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