fredag 21 maj 2010


after having sat on the balcony yesterday early evening and drinking prosecco for the whole village to see us, today we impressed all those that drove by (=everybody from the village) with hard hard work. We had a delivery of stones for the heart of the house, the future heating room. It is in the cellar and has a dirt floor. After having dug out and transported away a lot of it, today was the day to fill it up with clean stones. They will be the base for the cement floor we will be pouring later on.

The stones were delivered at about 3pm, it was one and a half cubic meters, which weigh maybe two tons. Dumped on the street outside of the house. Believe me they don't look like little diamonds anymore when in a heap on the street. We shovelled them all, and i mean down to the last stone, into a cart and 50 meters across the courtyard and into the house and down into the cellar via a gangway. 2 tons two people two hours, one shovelling (me) one carting (niklas). And we even got a bit of suntan as a bonus.

We invited Silvia for a friday evening drink and she brought with her the local fish delicacy.. smoked trout from the tanaro river. The valley below is the High Tanaro Valley and named after the Tanaro river. It was fabulous. We did not bring the fishing gear, maybe the first visitor from stockholm can help us out..

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