torsdag 13 maj 2010

ray of hope maybe

today was a good day. one of our neighbours, silvia, speaks very good english and met us yesterday in the street and asked how the project was going, and niklas told her that we had a serious problem because we had just lost our building contractor. in no time she had us at her table with lunch and she like a whirlwind called everyone she knew was a good builder, with the help of another of our neighbours who in fact is a builder, had we known this from the start we would have worked with him for sure. but it takes a while to find out the gems that live close to you and to build a network is a difficult chore.

anyway, now we have two new companies who will give us an offer for our roof and i swear to buy a case of very nice wine for silvia if her calls today will lead to a great job on our house.

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