onsdag 19 maj 2010

ventilated roofs

today we went to the place where they saw the wood for our roof and we got to see the system in a showpiece and we also got a rundown of all the different choices of materials. it was great to have silvia with us who could translate, but the funniest part was when the second best insulation material (the best is cork from cork oaks apparently) was presented and she said that 'it is a kind of fabric' and when we looked it up in the dictionary it was hemp and i started to laugh and the italian word for it is close to 'cannabis' and they all stared at me. I have lived in Amsterdam for too long..

The system of the roofing is a little different from Sweden, here they insulate the roof in Sweden they insulate the house. When we told Felice that we will have 3 glass windows coming he was first a bit puzzled and asked why 3? we hope he will find it interesting to install them.

On the other hand, when we came home we had a mail from Patetta our geometra, who for reasons that are completely beyond us wants to end his working relationship with us. Something to dig into tomorrow ..

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