tisdag 11 maj 2010

how to spoil a perfect glass of water

Garessio, where we have rented a little apartment for the month of april and may (20 days to moving into the house in Casario!), is home to a mineral water called san bernardo. the water to the tap is the same, so the communal water is very good. But you can still buy about 13 varieties of bottled water in the shops and people apparently do. Now we like tap water but at home in sweden we have a little apparatus with our very own carbon sink, a little carbonator. A bottle of CO2 goes a long way. Especially for a saturday dinner i think it is a little luxurious to have bubbly tap. But we had not seen any such apparatus here, the only think we saw was little sachets in the supermarket which promised to do the same job. Produced by the same company that makes nutella. I tried it and i can promise it it the most vile taste i had in my mouth in a loooong time. It tastes a little like those headache pills that you can dilute in water and drink. My only comment.. don't try this at home.. be warned!!

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