söndag 16 maj 2010

sunday tour to turin

and how pathetic are we.. on our free day we have nothing better to do than to drive to .. IKEA. The nearest one is in Turin, a good hour drive with the car, and with a fantastic panorama of the alps almost all the way.

It was not really so that we could not live a day longer than six weeks without the swedish meatballs. But the reason was that we need a new bed for the little apartment we rented and we thought that we could find either a good mattress with inbuilt frame or a good sofa bed. But NO. we came home with nothing but a box of candles (sounds familiar?) and a few other items that we will find useful in either house, the soon to be rental and then afterwards our own. Ikeas are frighteningly similar in italy from in sweden, but the expert will be able to spot the differences..

We solved the mattress and bed issue locally in the end, and as soon as the water is fixed in the little apartment, we will move up.

Tomorrow morning we will have another meeting with Sandro our builder to talk about how to come to closure of our business, hopefully it will be a good meeting. And hopefully we will directly after that make a decision about our new constructor. So maybe we will get a roof over our heads before the summer is over. Has it really started? Today it was nice and warm and the forecast is good, people hope that the bad weather spell is broken and summer is coming. It would be good if it would stop raining on the leaking roof and the house could start drying out..

On the schedule for tomorrow is to get a lot of the accumulated plaster rests and all the stuff we broke down in the house away to the local recycling place.

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