tisdag 4 maj 2010

prayers to the lady of lourdes

very few things in the house remained. The offspring of the former owner had cleaned out the place pretty well, with a few exemptions. One was the lady of lourdes which we found in a cabinet, and which has probably some extra special water in it. Lourdes being the place where the sick are going to be healed and all, this today is quite to the point, Ettore called us to tell us that our professional is in hospital with heart problems, and we are not talking a broken heart..

so now we have a real crisis, an entreprenör who is in hospital, it is raining so the construction workers don't come, the house still has no roof so it leaks a lot and it won't dry out over the spring as we had planned and no idea when the work is going to restart..

maybe the lady of lourdes will help sandro get well soon..

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hej
    Tur att ni inte är i Sverige. Här är bara regn och rusk. Men kanske lite sol i bland. Hoppas det går bra med det nya lilla huset. Det kanske blir er gäststuga! Jag förstår att det är viktigt med rätta kontakter i Italien. När jag arbetade med konstförsäkring fick jag ovärderlig hjälp av vår italienske haveriagent att lösa svåra problem. Jag skall berätta mer när vi ses igen.
    Vänliga hälsningar
    Staffan och Gunilla

  2. Hej på er!

    Javisst är det viktigt med kontakter och med trevliga grannar!
