måndag 3 maj 2010

size does not matter in italy

today niklas took off all the tiles in the kitchen, a hard job and unfortunately we can't save the tiles, they break if not when you take them off, then when you take the stuff off that fixes it to the floor.

after lunch we went pipe hunting. we had a plan and a list of pipes and elbows and branches etc. but.. the italians have slightly different sizes for the waste water pipes. so there we stood with our brave faces and stared at the lady in the shop until she took pity on us and said that the brother of the owner spoke good english, and if we'd come back at half past six, he'd be able to help us.

so we did and met Flavio. who said the easiest thing would be to have a house visit, which we arranged for hopefully tomorrow.. and he said yes, of course it is always better to have bigger pipes, but it is not really necessary. are the swedes just a bit over the top when it comes to margins?

the other big challenge was to find a shower drain, and after much searching the ladies in the shop found it.. they first thought that nonono we don't have such weird stuff in italy..

so we are one step closer to getting the bathrooms installed.. did i say we ordered real nice looking toilet bowls?? :-)

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