måndag 2 augusti 2010

argile, leca

before the second roof is getting up, there needs to be a bit of 'groundwork'. the ceiling needs to be levelled so that it can provide stable ground for a working platform to fix the openings for the windows and the sliding door. the sliding door is 3.6 meters wide and needs a few iron beams so the wall will be strong enough. so today we had three deliveries from the magazzino edile, with argile, clay extended balls, cement and sand.. in the morning 5 guys were cleaning up and then three in the afternoon filled up the pockets of the vault below with the cement blender running in our future kitchen.

we also made a downpayment for the work so far and because felice wanted the money directly not as a bank transfer (this is such a cash society, strange for someone who is almost unused to have real money in the pocket, using the card all the time), we almost emptied the bank of money. no use to rob a bank here that is for sure..
not that you'd get out, they have a system with special sliding doors which only let in one at a time and through only one of two doors at a time. not exactly the best situation for a person with a bit of claustrophobia.. like me..

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