tisdag 24 augusti 2010


now that the roof is getting close to be done ...please please please no rain this week... we are thinking closing off here by closing the house with the new windows. for the huge windows in the living room we are now doing the preparations, the window hole needs to be 2 cm bigger than the actual window so that the window can fit in, get fixed with special screws and then after some insulation the two centimeters need to be filled with some more plaster. but first one needs to find out how to make a square hole in these old walls and the other windows were of a different system so we have to adjust them all. The sliding doors in the living room out to the terrace need a very plane base so we need to use a lot of fingerspitzengefühl and a few measuring instruments.. how to get the sliding door from the garage into place...that is another problem we will discuss with paolo michelis, our direttore di lavoro, on thursday when he comes for his weekly visit. in the afternoon, another three loads of wood passed our house..they are also getting prepared for a maybe long winter with lots of heating needs..

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