måndag 9 augusti 2010


when we ordered more sand today we noticed that niklas had done a little error in his calculations yesterday, it was not 150 liters of water, but twice as much, not 150 shuffles of sand but twice as much that we shlepped up the stairs yesterday. Today we actually had help of Dennis, one of the builders. He was the one who had broken his hand/arm/finger in a car accident the first week he was working for us, but he is back in full force. 24 and full of energy. He shaked his head when i was taking one of the buckets he had filled with the expanded clay balls-cement mix. Ok they were a abit too full for me, but anyway i felt a bit left out. But now the floor in that room is done and we learned even a few tricks for the window adjustments. Tomorrow i can finish closing the door opening to the hallway and then we will start with the stairs to the bathroom, or finish the window hole. And in 20 days the support poles in the bathroom beneath can be taken away...

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