tisdag 10 augusti 2010


we got a new sign on our house. a stupid sign that states the obvious and repeats the information of the sign that was already there before. why do we have it? someone complained anonimously about us yet again, for the forth time in four month. always with petty complaints. makes me think how sad that person has to be, when we come to this little village and restore a ruin and invest some money, the only thing that person is thinking of is how to make life hard for us. what has to be in that persons brain? jealousy? evilness? we call him gollum between ourselves, niklas and i. we saw just a few days ago that another place on the way up to the village was for sale. it seems to be the right size for us, in quite good shape and more or less isolated. It does have advantages to be away from exactly everybody, especially little men with evil brains..

meanwhile we are cleaning out the entrance room so we can take off the rest of the plaster from the roof, the sister is coming this weekend to help shlepp it out, so we need to get it off..

and the travis, the second layer of chestnut beams for the second roof got a little cover today for protection from eventual rain and now look like a giant sleeping beauty...

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