lördag 31 juli 2010

good gardening

yesterday we had risotto with zucchinis and parsley from our own garden and funghi porcini that we have found in the forest here. Today we are having bruschetta, with our own tomatoes and our own basil. the basil is growing so fast we are almost getting worried about it, it is literally knee high. we have a little gas stove but no oven.

our builders did a big clean up today, now all the old wood is gone and a container with stone debris as well. Looks much better around the house. It was getting a bit out of control, and now it feels like we are above water again, not drowning in stuff. But of course on monday there will be more stuff to throw.. such is life on a construction site. They also took down stones for the big big glass sliding door to the terrace.. they did not really want to believe at first that the door will be 3.6 meters wide.. thought it was my bad italian, but i insisted and in the end they believed me. of course some iron bars will have to be put up to hold them, but that is another story..

it is getting almost chilly in the evenings, good to sleep though..

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