tisdag 27 juli 2010

cats on the run

today we had the big cat scare. i let the cats out at seven, they usually dissapear for an hour and a half and then they come back to sleep until lunch (you'd think cats have a good life when you watch ours). today one came back and brought the boyfriend to eat, the other one did not. we were not worried until ten, when we made coffee for the workers on the roof. from then on the other cat was showing signs of distress, missing her sister. niklas was still able to do good brick laying work until lunch and even until 3pm, but then the search for the cat was on. no results .. we looked at every courtyard and under all bushes and asked the whole village... nothing. then at seven we thought now she has been away 12 h, something must have happened.... well.. she came home at half past seven, thirsty and hungry and very tired.. and we were very very happy to have her back. ;-) do we dare to let her out tomorrow at seven in the morning?

1 kommentar:

  1. Hi Martina! What a project! House looks already stunning. And literallu next door to us - will have to come and visit!
