lördag 3 juli 2010

all because of us

today we shuffled 2 and a half tons of brick and plaster material out of the house. in 30 degrees temperature. sometimes i think, .. hmm this is my big big holiday, the time that i should really enjoy. instead we are ruining our bodies, are both at the moment stiff in the back and the 90year old lady giulia from a few houses down looks fitter than me . but now it is done, there is only our big living room which has a similar challenging shuffling job.

the windows are ready and waiting to be transported from sweden . silvia helped us with borrowing the garage in the house that we live in right now. it will be perfect; clean and dry and we can take out window by window with no risk of things falling down as it would have been on our property with roof works continuing.

tomorrow is sunday, which is actually the day we don't work. but every rule has an exemption so tomorrow we will have to work because on monday morning, the water company acda is coming to give us a new main connection and a new meter. and by then we will have to dig the incoming tunnel. they have announced to the village with posters that they will cut the water in the whole street on monday, all because of us.. :-)

we are expecting some visitors, so maybe we can save the non-working days for when they are here and do something fun with them..

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