onsdag 14 juli 2010

second layer of fine chestnut wood

first come the real big beams, then come the middle big beams.. it was the middle big beams turn today. they are called travi. a lot of measuring and adjusting, cause they have to be so much in line at all angles that the tiles will lie perfectly in the end. i heard a little swearing but also a lot of chattering and laughing when things went well today. in thirty degrees, in fact today it was 32 in the shade and i don't want to know how much it was up on the roof in the sun, it sometimes is good with a little beer. niklas knows what men like so he has started beer o'clock when the gang can chill for five minutes and take an ice cold beer once in the afternoon.

today they were working from half past seven in the morning until seven in the evening with a short one hour lunch break. they got a lot done. niklas helped and is now one of the gang.

me i only started to build the little protection for the incoming water. it is a bit of a challenge cause i need to go inward and outward at the same time at different sides in order to arrive at the measure of 40x40 in the end which is the size of the lock. will finish tomorrow.

annika and per did some shopping at the market in ceva today and we did a fantastic grill fest in the evening.

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