onsdag 21 juli 2010

windows arrived

today the windows arrived and we have no pictures cause it was so exciting, we forgot to take the camera out. 5 colli had arrived from Sweden Friday last week in Mondovi at the place where Massimo, another of Silvias friends, has his window and door factory. He was so kind to take on the transport since the international trailer can not go up our road. The big window is 2 meters high and 3.6 m wide, a sliding door from our living room to the terrace.. and the last information we had was that the packaging was 2.1 m by 3.6 m. which turned out today not to be correct, cause there was some extra packaging and we had a problem, cause the garage under our little rental apartment that we have rented for the purpose of storing windows has an opening of less than the big window and packaging. so .. some frantic telefone calls later we had found a little temporary space . we had hired a special crane car and and after me being close to a heart attack about three times and completely being in awe of the skills of that driver.. now 21 windows are in the garage and the large one is stored at one of the village guys.. a nice way to get to know everyone in the village?..

meanwhile, work continues on the roof, there is now almost all the third layer on, and half of the first barrier. there was a little thunderstorm scare this early evening, but it passed..

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