torsdag 8 april 2010

The little hammer

I have a new best friend, or lets call it a new companion. It is a little hammer to take off loose plaster. Yesterday we spent 4 hours in each others company, and i only deserted him to go down to the land to free one of our trees from the grip of the wild roses. Just like in the fairy tale, the roses are going around and around and around and hug the tree to death. Now i have a mission, save a tree a day.. but it will take a while until i have given freedom to them all. And of course my companion, the little hammer, wants attention. Today he got 5 hours of my time.

The permit is at the commune and the only thing we had to do is to go and pay an extraordinary high sum of money which i assume counts as tax. We would call it robbery. It does not matter the house is in a desolate state now, it is the potential that counts i assume. Lets hope we will kiss this beauty to life..

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