tisdag 27 april 2010

gardening lessons

i got lessons to cut back the vines. Our closest neighbour, a charming man in his 70s who lives there with his wife and shares the courtyard with us, clearly had lost his temper at our inactivities regarding the pruning of the vine. so he came with pruning shears in hand and waves at us that stuff had to be done. I got up the ladder and cut where i thought he indicated, but then he went up the ladder and cut about half as much again. and then he tied the bits to the roof of the pergola with small very flexible twigs, worked fantastic. so the lesson learnt was, you can never cut too much in a vine.

by the way, he was the one shaking his head in disapproval when he saw us planting the basil. said it was a bit early for basil 'they don't like it cold, but plant it closest to the wall and see what happens'.. the basil is dead now.

if only we can learn italian fast enough to be able to learn from his wealth of experience..

2 kommentarer:

  1. "The basil is dead now", great lesson =)

  2. eller hur.. fortunately this a mistake with only minor consequences.. but you know i am sure we are going to make some mistakes that will have more serious fall-out
