fredag 18 juni 2010

what a difference a day makes

two guys started to take off the tiles from the roof yesterday, they started after lunch and were halfway done at half past 5 when they left and said, 'see you tomorrow' and how sweet that sounded in our ears. especially since they were back before 8 this morning. the good tiles are stapled on the scaffolding, the bad tiles are thrown in the container. and then the old wood, probably a hundred year old. or more. some of it will stay, some of the big beams, the rest will become nice heating source for our neighbour and our special bathroom.

today is friday, they said 'see you tomorrow' again tonight...

i made a phone order of two pallets of bricks for tomorrow morning. it was a little exciting to first make sure the lady at magazzino edile knows who is talking to her and then to place the order and make sure they really deliver on saturdays.. she said 'bene'. Will be interesting to see whether we get two pallets of stones tomorrow morning or two turkeys.. :-)

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