lördag 5 juni 2010

junk food heaven

on the via nationale, the big street between ceva and imperia, just before garessio, is the barbero grissini factory. factory or factory, it is a rather small establishment, but they have an outlet store. today we went. it is complete junkfood heaven. no fiber as long as the eye can see. but fantastic grissini in all shapes and with interesting stuff in it and also all the other cookies and goodies they produce in other towns. for example a dangerous cookie called tartufo dolce d'alba.

the guy in the store is a fantastic marketeer. we bought 3 different kinds of grissini, one with walnuts, one with olives and one with rosemary plus those dangerous tartufo dolce d'alba and we got 4 samples of other delicious sweets with us. he knows we will be back!!

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