söndag 13 juni 2010

garessio water festival

today we woke to the sound of people working on and at our scaffolding. The front side had to be taken away when the crane left, and now it was time to set it up again. Yes it is sunday but that does not stop some companies. A few hours of work and the job was done.

For lunch we went to Garessio where a water festival was held - the mineral water company now bought by Nestlé as sponsor. There was a parcours with 12 stations throughout the old town, and the stations where held by restaurants from the city or area, each serving a starter or main or dessert. At the start, you bought your tickets, each for 2 euros which are good for one plate or one wine, and you get a paper bag with a wineglas, a plastic fork and knife and a serviette and a bottle of water.

Then we were off to enjoy the different plates. The old town felt so much bigger with this parcours and we saw new places. The white polenta was a favourite with many, one can see at the long line, and we skipped the steamed cow stomach..

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