fredag 25 juni 2010

alternative midsummer

today is swedens most important holiday, the fest of midsummer. Even though i have been away for work most years even during the seven years i have lived in sweden, so i don't have such a big connection to it feel a little weird to have a normal friday at the work site. when you know that the whole country of sweden is partying away. Niklas was putting iron into his mold for the stairs, and i was sandpapering the iron bars in the upstairs kitchen ceiling and then painting them with some anti-rust paint.

But there were some ingredients of midsummer that we did not miss, here comes a list of what we did or did not have today:

preserved herring: nope
strawberries: yes
snaps: nope
fresh potatoes: yes
dancing around the tree: no, but does picking cherries in a tree count?
bbq: yes

so not such a bad score after all. And for tomorrow morning, we have ordered another ton of little stones to be shlepped into the cellar with buckets.... when half of sweden is still in serious hangover mode..

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