måndag 28 juni 2010

conflict solving

today we had the first disagreement with our building guys. they are currently taking away all old dust and debris from the space under the roof, so they can work on a clean surface when they need to strengthen the structure. the neighbour had a comment about the dust they created and they took that comment really to their hearts. and then they said, 'we need to put some water on it so it won't be so dusty'. sure we thought.. but then they watered so much that we had another serious roof leaking situation, so we asked them to stop. one of them felt that he should really go on as he pleases, but niklas put his foot down and said that our walls had had enough of water and that we would take the complaint of the neighbour if there was one to come.. this led to a little growling. and he was a little angry all the time until it was time to go and have a break in the shade with some coffee i had made for them- but then he gave in and together we dealt with the dust by watering down the stuff down in the container the rest of the afternoon.

one interesting observation.. niklas and i have been commenting to each other that our neighbours, in fact everyone in this village, has their doors and windows closed and the shutters closed all the time, as if a war has broken out. Just today, the one day that we were producing some dust, they decided to open all doors and windows. Yes it was very warm, but why do i feel a little bit this was not a coincindence. I don't think this will be a big problem in the future, but some kind of point was made today, and i think it was a little silly.

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