tisdag 22 juni 2010

safety check

as mentioned before, paolo michelis, our direttore di lavori, director of works, is a very serious man. today he came unannounced to check the safety at the site. luckily he had no big complaints. as a bonus, we got some good advice from him about the stairs from the bathroom to the kitchen which is our current project. niklas had hoped that in the kitchen we can leave the walls without taking away all the plaster, but felice just knocked at them, said: you hear they are hollow, you have to redo them otherwise you will regret it. so another container full of stuff that will have to leave the house and then be replaced with more new plaster. Harri, did you say you wanted to come and do some demolition? this might be your last chance..

but until the guys have secured the wall and the ceilings on the upper floor, we can not really go in and out without some danger of stuff falling down, so we are a watching the works from safe distance until tomorrow. even the cats.

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