onsdag 27 juli 2011

when size matters

We got stuck in the bathroom. For two weeks Niklas had been waiting for a ‘reduction’ of a drainage pipe for the shower and when it arrived, it was the wrong part. The origin of this problem is that we are trying to have a Swedish standard shower drain in an Italian bathroom. Guess what, with the EU and all, the piping is not the same standard size, so the outlet of the Swedish drain was 75cm, and that is not to be had here in italy.. That was actually a big surprise to me, i would have thought that the standardisation of at least water systems and electricity would have been completed in the EU after all those years..

And the piping needs to be finished so we can put a layer of concrete on it, and only then the hydra brothers can start with the floor heating in the bathroom..

After much to and fro and a few rather hairy ideas, I called my brother in Germany. And he after a short while gave me a call back and guided me to a website with the right transition piece. Yes, the postage is about ten times the cost of the piece, but if it arrives within a short time, it will be worth it. In the meantime, Niklas is attacking the walls with fine plaster, so there is no time for the wicked.

Tonight we will be raising our glass for Friedrich!!

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