måndag 18 juli 2011

Sunday in Ormea

You know there are tourists around when you find signs that offer 'typical local products’. And the shops that offer them are often very touristic. On Sunday we went to Ormea, a small city further up the valley. And there we saw such a sign.

The river Tanaro has trout and in Ormea there are two places that sell fresh trout and we wanted one for dinner. As bonus we found that there was held an open air antique market as well, so we got to look at curiosa from not only italy, but even interesting stuff like old mothers day memory plates from Norway.

The question of the day is: are we tourists or are we locals? When hacking away at the vines in the garden and mixing cement for yet another layer of plaster we surely don’t feel very touristy, but people here definitely don’t look at us as locals. That will take many many years, maybe generations..

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