tisdag 12 juli 2011

Hay days or how to get a good workout without a gym

It is hot here, not unbearably, but one does not want to walk too fast around midday and early afternoon. Mornings are wonderful, and until about nine our patch of land down the hill a bit from our house is in the shade. So we have started to use early mornings to go out with the cats and cut some of the grass and the weeds. One bit at a time. After an hour and a half we are both completely sweaty and I at least are red in the face like a tomato.. but the results are good, we are clearing the land one bit at a time and have even found a new fig tree that has against all odds made its way through the entanglement. Plus we actually have a chance to find the millions of walnuts that will fall from our trees to the ground. Now we have to burn both the hay and the old wood from the dead branches.. I thought we could ask the milk farmer to take care of the hay at least, but the cows apparently don’t like the mix of tangly weeds and grass and the odd thorny bush. Apart from clearing the land, it is also great workout, at least that is what I tell myself when I walk up again to start working behind the computer..

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