onsdag 20 juli 2011

the biggest thunderstorm ever

Last night we watched an amazing spectacle. A weather front was moving fast in and over the valley, with lightning as if someone was filming ‘Lord of the Rings’ and it got quite dramatic. Hail fell and then it rained very very very hard. The hail was forming a little ice/snow sheet on the street, and even in the morning we found some small heaps of it in the shadow next to the house.

Early in the morning, lots of neighbours went to their gardens to have a look at the destruction the nightly thunderstorm had caused, and many of them saw their salads totally destroyed. I guess there will be a run on new plants at Fridays market.

Our salad was protected by the fig tree, the strawberry plants got quite a beating and have many holes in their leaves as well as the basil, but for the rest we can’t complain. And the best: the solar panel tubes are not installed yet, so they were packed away in the boxes and did not get crushed by the hail. At least not this time.

picture from the internet, not our own..

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