måndag 8 augusti 2011

an UFO has landed

In order to prepare the ground so to say for our future vegetable patch down at our piece of land, we have not only cleared the vines, but also cut the grass and laid out a 4x7m piece of tarpaulin. Covered it with stones so it won't fly away in the autumn storms. This cover is supposed to be there for a season or two, and the idea is that when we take it off, the ground will be well nutrified and free of unwanted weeds and that the cover increases the natural metabolism. It certainly looks spectacular from above when one comes down the slope, and the neighbours are surely now thinking we are odd to say the least. Noone has said or asked anything about it yet, but i am sure that they are talking about it. Maybe they think we are up to some high tech engineering of the ground, when this is as low tech as you can get..

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