onsdag 3 augusti 2011

playing with fire

Maybe there is a little pyromaniac in me, i did in any case not expect it to be so fun to burn the vines and small branches in the piece of land that is to be our vegetable and fruit tree patch.

It could of course be that the satisfaction stems from the fact that lots of sweat was running down my forehead and my back in order to get these vines and blackberry hedges into the neat piles.

The vines are vicious, they take hold of a tree and then they smother it to death in just a few years. The blackberry hedges seem to be assistants to those vines but not do any damage themselves, just make it a bit harder to get to the trees and bushes to free them from the killers.

Not that I think the plants deserve to burn.. it is just the most convenient measure since the cows don’t like to eat it and it is too much to compost for next year. So we fire away a pile a day and sometimes even two.

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