söndag 14 augusti 2011

attack of the killer tomatoes

For a while now some of our neighbours had complained about the weather and that the tomatoes JUST DID NOT WANT TO ripen because of lack of heat (that said, it was sunny all right, but they thought it was not hot enough). And suddenly there seems to be a glut of them, at least judging by how everyone just wants to give us tomatoes. In fact leaving them on our doorstep even after we have said that we have enough thank you very much.

So we cook lots of tomato pasta sauce, have bruschetta every day, and still are looking for some more recipes. Yesterday in Diano at the restaurant of Ivana we had a spectacular cold tomato salsa, and she gave us the recipe. But we don’t have a mixer here, so we can do neither this one nor Gazpacho. That will be next years project.

Anyway we feel like real Italian mammas, always a pot of tomato sauce simmering on the stove; maybe we will assimilate after all.

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