fredag 13 juli 2012

sweet dreams?

We have moved in today, and tomorrow we will do a full picture show of the first part of the house that is livable. I can report that the cats have given the thumbs up and are happy to live here now instead of across the street. It was also the first day since a very very long time that the smell of food lingered in the house. Great food Niklas made as usual. We might even celebrate with a little ice cream because we now have a freezer fridge. The luxury! Now there are just a few small fixes to be done, one of them a construction at the top of the bed so one can sit up. I was thinking of using old wood from the house, beautifully bleached and a wonderful contrast to all the new white and modern interior. But unfortunately the bit I chose was too damaged, so I might have to search a bit more..

3 kommentarer:

  1. Grattis till inflyttningen. Jag ser fram emot att se bilder på den färdiga våningen.

  2. Stort grattis till inflyttningen!! Ser fram emot att se foton.... :o))
    Ha de´ gott!!
    Kram, kram från VästervikPia

  3. Tack tack... och nu har vi lagt upp lite före-efter bilder..
