söndag 29 juli 2012

Planting a tree

on weekends we use to give the plastering and cement in the house a break and work a bit in the piece of land. Which has not had a lot of love in many many years, the trees are all at the edge of getting wild and are in desperate need of a serious haircut. But even the wild blackberry vines are back in force after we had cut them down last year. So we cut and cut and burn the dried debris and use the ashes as fertilizer for our growing little piece of vegetable patch. Wonder if the veggies will ripen before our departure. Today Niklas even cut down the skeletons of two dead trees, they had been dead for a few years now, and Niklas decided it was time to clean up a bit. And as compensation, we planted a new little tree, a bay leaf tree. We have been getting leaves from our neighbours, but thought it might be nice to have our own. And we still need to decide where to plant the oak that we took with us from Sweden. It is a little oak, only a year old.. For the rest, we enjoy the heat, make marmelade of the fruit the neighbours give us, wait for our own plums to ripen, an event i remember as plum hell breaking loose.. and wait for the arrival of wonderful Ursula..

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