tisdag 24 juli 2012

progress report

There it was, outside and alone, the plywood that had been used to make the form for the kitchen bench. And was screaming for new jobs. So I listened to it and started a new little project, making window sills. The one for the living room is done, the two for the kitchen are still sleeping in their nests and will be awakened tomorrow. So we are settling in and doing some small fixes. Outside of the larger deconstruction that was going on last week of course. Now the debris is out of the house and we can fill the buckets with new scraps from our different projects. I also managed to build a tiny little brick wall around the electric cables and water pipes that are going from attic to cellar via the little bathroom. I call it the new tower of Pisa, but Niklas assures me it won’t look so bad after the plaster has been put on and all. Nothing one cannot fix with a little extra layer of sand, cement and chalk..

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