tisdag 12 juni 2012

Natures Revenge

How proud we were last year when we had cleared our piece of land from all the vines and felt we had freed snow white from the thorns. When we arrived back after the winter this week, the first thing our neighbour was saying was: all your land is totally overgrown! He said it with a grin, and when we had a walk down we were in awe of how much biomass nature can produce in just a few month. But we used Sunday to clear a bit of land and managed even to plant some tomatoes, chili and artichokes that we had pre-grown in anticipation in Sweden. As for the rest of the land, we asked the milk-farmer if he wants to have the grass for his cows and he said at least part of it he can cut and take. So we will wait a while and take care of the rest in due time.

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