lördag 4 september 2010

starting the countdown

three weeks today until departure back to stockholm. a to do list that is endless, but we have made a poriority list and a bonus list and a 'heaven knows when this will be done' list. the interesting question is which of the fruit will be ripe to take home, maybe the peaches will be early so we can't take them, and have to make marmelade instead. maybe the figs make it just in time, and how about the apples and walnuts? the neighbours have cleaned perfectly under their trees so that they will find each nut, under ours there are the sleeping beauty wines, so it will be hard to find any that have fallen down, not that it will be easy to pick them from the trees, so maybe this year we will only have a few own walnuts for christmas.

niklas had an apple yesterday that was almost good, but will it be really good in a week or two weeks or just in time for departure? it is still really warm here, shorts weather and i do not look forward to rainy and cold sweden weather, but i do look forward to the morning newspaper at six in bed..

the sad news is that our camera has a problem, too much dust i believe.. hope we can fix it.. until then we need to use pics from the archive.. it would be a shame if we can't get it to work, cause the balcony is done and is splendid.. even felice marvelled at the idea of having coffee there with the fab view.

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