lördag 25 september 2010

Domodossola .. i kid you not

one minute after planned departure time we were cruising down the serpentines from casario, after having kissed the woman we call julia, silvia, rita and her husband sandro.
one of the former owners of the house passed by when i was standing on the balcony and he stared so much at the house that he almost crashed into a meeting car with his tractor.

so after a two hour car drive we got onto the train in allessandria and the cats are really much happier on the train than in the car. little eco warriors they are.. now we are at the border station called domodossola, leaving italy in about ten minutes. .. i thought they were joking when they announced that next stop was just domodossola... hamburg is next ´tomorrow midday and then home sweet home..

1 kommentar:

  1. ... så nu är ni på svensk mark och hemmet i Saltis väntar.
