söndag 11 augusti 2013

the very very very nice guest room waiting for you

many people have contributed to this room: first I have taken off all plaster from the ceiling, there was a few new openings and one that had to be closed, sandro did some but also ms muratore came into play. Oh yes and the windows had to be changed with shiny energy efficient three glass ones. Then the floor and the sand beneath it had to be taken off, manually carried out. Next step: filling the valves in the floor with a blend of insulating material, then adding more insulation and the floor heating and a special floor coating. The year after new plastering was added to the roof and the sides, not before Niklas had put metal wire and new electricity all around, and then came the wonderful brother and put tiles on the floor and in the bathroom. Painting the walls and roof was the next step and then all was left was a lot of cleaning. The table is one of the few remaining furnitures, made by one of the guys who lived here 50 or so years ago. It got sanded down and a new drink of oil. Only a few details to be fixed.. like doors.. but .. we feel this room will be perfect to host Uta and her husband next week and hopefully many more after that.. i think i may have an inauguration shower in there tonight..

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hewwejisses såååå himla fint!!! Jag kommer!!! :D
    Ha de´ gott....
    Kram från VästerviksPia
