fredag 30 augusti 2013

the leaning tower of Casario

I had only two projects in the house this year: take off the paint from the planks on the balcony and oil them was the first and easy one. Build in the pipes that are coming down from the solar panels through the living room to be was the other job. It wasn't as easy, and high up on the ladder it got pretty skaky, but now it is done and whoever does the plastering will just have to put on a little thicker layer to even it out. We are packing already and tomorrow we are on our way back to Sweden via train, ferry and road.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Det är alltid lika trist när er blogg gör vinteruppehåll. Och så fort ni lämnade Italien sjönk temperaturen här hemmar, det började regna och första höststormen infann sig. Men det kommer en ny sommar med nya bloggar.


  2. ..och nästa sommar hälsar du på va? Vi bäddar i gästrummet...
