måndag 2 juni 2014

swindling heights

I am a bit of a coward when it comes to heights, trying to work on it, but when alone in the house it is not so easy, so when I put the scaffolding up the other day in order to measure the window sill which I wanted to build a mold for the cement to pour into, my knees started to wobble so much that the whole construction started to shake and I had to accept defeat. But not for long, today I got so irritated with it that I started an approach on the other window sill in the atrio, and I used the extendable ladder. That worked really well, I was a little nervous, but I got the measurements and got the mold done!

Lets see if it works with the other one also tomorrow, or if the defeat continues..

Apart from those small steps in the house, the garden is growing, and I have harvested the first strawberries and the first zucchini flowers. Planted a lot of tomatoes, hoping for the best tomato sauces ever..

the scaffolding

the other window

the mold, done!

the first zucchini flowers from the garden

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