fredag 27 juni 2014


The Atrio, entrance, is OUR - as opposed to the workmens -  first big project for the year, so I have started to prepare. The entrance door will have to be fitted and the tiles need to be taken up - hopefully without breaking too many as they are handmade and we want to reuse them. The tiles will then have to be sanded and cleaned on the back so we can set them again. But before that, we will insulate the floor and then install the floor heating. Then the special floor mix before it it time to put the tiles back on it. And then it is done!

But of course this room looked already quite nice last year when we had a carpet and a big table and guests in it!! Now it is back to the scrubby look, but.. it will be very nice when it is done..

A funny thing happened when i wanted to order a new pad for the sanding machine.. Reason why i wanted a new one is that the current one apparently got unbalanced and is wearing out the sanding paper rather fast - and the sanding paper is expensive here.. Ordered online and was very pleased with myself. Got a mail a few days later that the part was made obsolete and not longer can be delivered.. :-) Now obsolete is something that you don't need, but I need that part dearly.. :-), alternatively something that is out of date, but I would rather repair that machine than throw away the one I have and buy a new one.. :-(

Fruit of the week: the sour cherries. gotta pick some more and put them in some rum, or maybe a cherry chutney?

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