söndag 24 augusti 2014


a few weeks with intensive visits have passed. First Astrid and Ursula were slaving away in the lower garden, pruning the trees and making firewood out of the twigs that were cut, and there was even time for a trip to the beach with public transport. Then mom and sister with her husband arrived last Monday and stayed until this morning.Their task was to save the vine from destruction after the Pergola has collapsed from the snow. First Mom and I erected a new set of pillars for the construction, then Uta and Stefan helped raise one of the big pillars that had collapsed and now leaned against the little house that was once used to dry the chestnuts. It took a bit of engineering and some fixing with rope, but now it is done and I can build a new pergola and then put the old wine back onto it for magic shade.

meanwhile the plastering of the lower floor walls is getting on and looking good!

Uta and Stefan posing after successful work

Rebuilding the Pergola

first layers of new plaster on the walls

Making a plan of attack

smart ramp to avoid all the stairs in the house

hope springs eternal, even for a collapsed pergola

Mom happy and in pole position

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