fredag 15 september 2017

bonus work in the cantina

The room under our living room, the cantina, has been a stable. We have done nothing to it, nothing to its earth floor, but to put in the water pipe for the waste water and to fill the room up with all kinds of stuff that we wanted to get out of the way. Doors that are too nice to be thrown away, all the old big beams from the terrace, a few big beams that were left over from the roof construction, broken tiles that we did not know where else to store.

Now we got unexpected visitors this summer, a gang of three youngsters from Västervik. They stayed a bit less than a week and managed to clean out the whole room and dig out the earth floor. We made a little calculation that they moved about 7 cubic meters of material. Good training for them, a bonus work done for us.

Now .. anyone wants to come and help with carrying 2 tons of gravel stones as next step? Delivery will be to the street and from there it is a job to carry with the wheelbarrow.. Takers anyone?

digging in the cantina


hard work

old and new beams, for firemaking and construction

7 cubic meters of earth now waiting to be put to new use

torsdag 7 september 2017

waiting waiting waiting

Internet is an ongoing issue. I had tried to get our ADSL connection back, but did not manage online because I have no official italian ID nor an italian phone number. Felt a bit like buying a pair of scissors that was packaged so that one needs scissors to open it. We then decided to go for the faster wifi solution, which gave us 'free streaming', only to find out that not all streaming programs were included. The package is 30Gb plus 30 'night Giga - midnight to 8am'. Half an h Video conference eats a giga, so after a week we were back in the shop to buy another one, and then we needed to fill both extra.

Since that is a bit costly, we made another attempt to get the ADSL back. With a little help we got us a contract. Only to get a mail the day after that the contract had been cancelled due to the absence of an italian phone number (again!).

I used all my italian knowledge in a phone conversation with a service operator who was very helpful. After 5 operators hung up on me when they heard me stammer in my broken italian.  She booked or the technician to come a week after, wednesday between 8 and 10. Niklas was waiting in vain I can say and when he called the number of the technician, no answer. Now we tried again the service number, turns out there is no technician available for our area (assume the other one quit before he could do the job on our house, that would explain him not answering the phone).

The only option I have is to call again and hope that in a week or so they will have employed a new technician. crazy.

Another waiting session has occured on the question of our floor. We found a great shop that would send samples for free, but in the end we had to have them sent to my brother, who forwarded them to us. Now we have ordered and await delivery. But it has taken 6 weeks to get there.