söndag 11 januari 2015

light therapy over xmas holidays

Since we had left Italy beginning of October, it felt as if the sun was making only very short appearances in Stockholm, and in November we got the statistical evidence: 5 hours of sunshine for the whole of the month of November. So we got super lucky when we arrived for the xmas and new years holidays and the sun was shining for the whole time except for one day! We spent the days making wood, pruning in the garden, cleaning a bit more of the vines in what is supposed to become the vineyard, harvesting the last vegetables for the year, cooking good food, buying and drinking good wine, visiting some new restaurants and revisiting some that we have been to before. We have also been painting in the bathroom and our future bedroom and been making plans for next summer renovation projects. The cats have been making a few expeditions outside, but were mostly content to lie in front of the fireplace. Travelling with them was easier than ever.

Niklas pruning the fig tree

hot air balloon festival in Mondovi

assessing the pruning needs

watching Niklas work

enjoying the sun

blue skies


sun therapy

paint job in the bedroom

fresh tomatoes from our own garden in January!