tisdag 31 december 2013

Gott nytt år!

Här kommer några bilder som sammanfattar ganska bra vad vi har haft för oss här...

måndag 30 december 2013


We said we would have a real holiday for a change, not work our asses off. Drink good wine, eat good food, read books in front of the fireplace. Make some firewood was the only physical activity we planned and it is going really well. We had some already bunkered when Ursula and Niklas took care of the one or other dead tree or branch. We almost cleaned off the planks we had stores under the terrace. Slowly but surely we aim to clean off the other places as well, but we know we have a few yeas worth of firewood from the old roof and the bits and pieces that were over from the construction of the new roof. And next year we will get a new terrace so much new firewood is going to be the side effect of that.
only a small bit of the wood from the old roof

onsdag 25 december 2013


Golvvärme är skönt. Ju närmare golvet man befinner sig dessto mer värme kan man njuta. Och om man tex lägger sig just där alla varma rör går ut I golvet får man ut max. Om den platsen råkar vara upptagen så får man hålla tillgodo med den näst bästa/varmaste. Den där rören till duschen och till lilla rummet passerar genom duschdörren. Jag la en termometer där jämte Mimmi. Den visar på 30 grader...

måndag 23 december 2013


Harvest in the snow.  Lots of "Jerusalem artichoke" we set last year. Looking forward to good soups and to see if Rita may like and adopt. These must be the easiest plants to grow. You stick them in the ground, they flower a bit like sunflowers, as tall, and when you take them out the root system gives wonderful tubers.  I may even try them raw, thinly thinly sliced.

first winter in Casario

Friday was a long day for all 4 of us and Niklas and I were extra nervous because we for the first time flew down with the cats. We left the house at quarter to 9 in the morning and arrived in Casario at about 8 in the evening.  What can I say.. The cats are best travellers.

We arrived to a winter wonderland and we're a bit worried if we would make it up the mountain without snow chains but all went well and after a meal and a bottle of wine from the cellar we snuggled up in the bed.
It took us two days to get the upper floor warmed up,  the new heater is great and by Xmas we have the whole house warm.

Rita took care of some of our products from the garden after we had left and gave us this box..