söndag 11 september 2011

things to be done in our absence

well well, two weeks back home and making the list of 'what we wanted to get done, what we did not get done and what still needs to be done this year'. The little plastic part in the waste water system delayed us a lot this year unfortunately, and the worst was that the rest of the works of the floor had to wait along. But we have found a person who has a good reputation for doing good floor works. He thinks he can do it in one day with three people. We just have to have faith and hope for the best.

With temperatures slowly but surely going down in Stockholm, we watch the forecast for Casario, and it is still 25 to 27 degrees there every day since we left and as long as we can check into the future. Good for the grapes and figs, although we won't be able to harvest them this year.

And we have already started to make plans for next year. But next year we will finish the apartment in the upper floor, no doubt about it..